There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Deck the Halls??

{spooky bones..I just set out to write about Christmas decorations and I spied your post, SPARKLE, about that exact topic}

I am not sure if it is an another effect of Hurricane Sandy, but over the Thanksgiving holiday, I noticed many homes laden with twinkling Christmas lights. I saw trees peeking out from behind windows. Wait! It is still November and there are pumpkins and mums to be found, maybe a witch or two. Therein lies my confusion..I feel like the hurricane caused a loss of time while speeding up Christmas smack into Thanksgiving.

There appears to be two camps here. One camp believes the twinkly lights go up when the weather is warm and sunny. These campers carefully watch the weather forecast with ladders and lights at the ready..the date on the calendar is of little importance. And, the second camp firmly believes the twinkly lights go up when the calendar says December. No need to rush the holiday like the retailers do. Which camp are you?

The last decorating detail was brought to my attention by Henry. Specifically, a complaint about how our fresh, green wreaths and white candles in the windows are b-o-r-i-n-g. What??!! I told my fashionista our "style" is perfect for our traditional Cape Cod. Still b-o-r-i-n-g. What??!! And, are you sitting down? Why can't our house have tons of lights and fun decorations like AUNT TRACY'S???? Little bugger..he had better hope the elf-on-the-shelf didn't hear his not-so-nice comment. (PS I think Grandma and Buddy are coming out next week to help decorate the trees, shrubs, lawn, driveway, fence, and so on PSS Buddy said everyone is decorating too early this year..hmmm)


Fresh Wreath purchased from the Boy Scouts

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