There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Monday, November 19, 2012

How Children Succeed

Funny, when browsing the bookshelves for something new to read ~ the first book I picked up for further inspection was one being presented by the author at my daughter's school in a few days. Spooky bones!! How does that happen? Out of all  the books on the shelves.. It makes me wonder.

Here we go.. Paul Tough's new book How Children Succeed is making waves with educators and parents alike. He argues that traits like grit, curiosity, perseverance, and optimism impact how children succeed more than IQs and test scores do. Basically, children need to learn how to navigate failure and overcome challenges in order to succeed. Additionally, the good news is this...although intelligence is somewhat fixed ~ character traits can be shaped and improved. Whew.

And, to end, I think when anyone with the last name Tough writes a book about grit, it is worth a read.


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