There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Happier at Home

 I just picked up Gretchen Rubin's new book Happier at Home. Do you remember her first book, The Happiness Project? Being a self-proclaimed "homebody" myself, I was curious to hear what she had to say about being happy at home. The premise is this..Gretchen takes a new school year to embark on a journey where she focuses on themes such as marriage, parenthood and possessions. Her goal was "making her home a place of greater simplicity, comfort, and love."

Honestly, I just purchased the book during a run to the bookstore after the storm. I am barely into chapter one. So far, I like what I see.  As a collector of quotes I will leave you with a few quotes Ms. Rubin included in Happier at Home.

"To be happy at home is the ultimate result of all ambition,
the end to which every enterprise and labour tends."
- Samuel Johnson

"Safe, safe, safe," the heart of the house beats proudly.
- Virginia Woolf

"The true secret of happiness lies in the taking
a genuine interest in all the details of daily life."
- William Morris


pay attention reader ~
this t has a little book-related theme going.
Stay tuned..

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