There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Monday, March 26, 2012


I had the opportunity to tour a warehouse facility last week (exciting I know) but in the end it was.  It highlighted a really great company that is in our backyard and has been for 80 years. 

So think Mike & Ike candy, Hot Tamales, Peanut Chews and you guessed it ... PEEPS!  All made right here in the Lehigh Valley by the Just Born company.  The candy is manufactured in one facility and then shipped to a warehouse nearby by for final distribution all over the country.

We received a tour of the distribution warehouse because they did a large renovation project back in 2009 and received the LEEDS Gold Certification (it is now a "green" building).  There were about 50 of us there for the tour and we were all impressed that the two owners of the company attended our event. 

The owners are cousins and their grandfathers started this company back in the mid-1920's.  The two of them together had such a great synergy and sense of humor.  They sealed the deal to being great when the one owner stopped off to talk to a bunch of workers on the assembly line putting boxes together.

While on the tour, we received some inside scoop that "Mike & Ike" are being a bit mischievous lately (keep an eye out for the Mike & Ike candy boxes in early April).  And I encourage you to buy those yummy Peeps this Easter season.  The big question asked of all of us was do you like your Peeps fresh or stale?  I like mine stale. 

If you don't know what I am talking about, buy two boxes of Peeps.  Box # 1 --- eat the Peeps fresh out of the box.  Box # 2 --- poke a hole in the packaging and wait a couple of days until they get a bit hard, then eat them.



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