There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Save Second Base

In case you didn't notice PINK, PINK everywhere, October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month! {btw: I especially like the streaks of pink on the NFL players every Sunday} Do you know about Henda's Law? It is legislation requiring doctors to inform women about their breast density and the possible need for further imaging by MRI or ultrasound. {btw: it is hard to see cancer on the mammograms of dense breast tissue}

Now, here is something YOU can do to make a difference in the fight against breast cancer --> grab your smartphone and use the app "Lobby Me Pink" to plug in your zip code and get contact information for elected officials in your state. Encourage them to pass Henda's Law. Easy!!

In fact, my own breast surgeon told me about Henda's Law during my mammogram. The great state of New Jersey is in the process of passing Henda's Law. {New Jeraey readers take action to make a difference} As soon as I'm done with this post, I am taking action.

How about you?

Remember these???

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