There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


"Charlie Brown is the one person I identify with.  C.B. is such a loser.  He wasn't even the star of his own Halloween special."  ~Chris Rock

Happy Halloween Sister!  We are indeed getting ready for Halloween here in Pennsylvania.  The leaves are nice and crisp, weather is perfect and costumes are getting finalized.  I had to chuckle ~ I looked at my Halloween post from last year and there is a picture of Kate dressed up ~ a witch wearing her Uggs (not Fuggs) and no broom.  It made me laugh.  Update on the vote for Kate's costume --- it was actually a tie.  Wah-wah.

Here is our 2011 spooky schedule:

1.  Thursday night - bonfire (really has nothing to do with Halloween) 

2.  Friday - two school parades

3.  Friday night - Trick-or-Treat in our neighborhood

What a lame schedule!  Would someone have a party and invite me!


P.S. I tried really hard to find an old photo of us from Halloween.  Do you remember in high school when a bunch of us dressed up like Wizard of Oz characters? Do you have the picture?

Jack and Matthew - 2003
Do we like cowboys in this household or what?

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