There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Monday, October 31, 2011


Things that go bump in the night --- right? 

Halloween candy --- when all mixed together --- it still has the same smell
that it did 25 years ago --- love it!

I can't stop eating the Halloween candy --- I predict weight gain!

There are empty candy wrappers everywhere in this house --- is this what
Halloween in a fratenity looks like?

Saturday --- watched The Haunted marathon on Animal Planet --- scary but not too scary.

Our town has Trick-or-Treat on the Friday near Halloween --- not actually on the 31st --- hmm.

Last but not least --- snow in October --- really? 

For sale: red crayon costume, never worn, still in the package

Cousin Emma --- thanks for the super cute pink skirt!
Perfect for a warm, snowy day.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Hooray - It's Halloween

Happy  Halloween

artwork: by Emma
(love the witch --- she is spot on!)

Friday, October 28, 2011

Photo Friday No. 38

Compliments of Squirrels in
New Jersey (again)

A pretty pumpkin in

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


"Charlie Brown is the one person I identify with.  C.B. is such a loser.  He wasn't even the star of his own Halloween special."  ~Chris Rock

Happy Halloween Sister!  We are indeed getting ready for Halloween here in Pennsylvania.  The leaves are nice and crisp, weather is perfect and costumes are getting finalized.  I had to chuckle ~ I looked at my Halloween post from last year and there is a picture of Kate dressed up ~ a witch wearing her Uggs (not Fuggs) and no broom.  It made me laugh.  Update on the vote for Kate's costume --- it was actually a tie.  Wah-wah.

Here is our 2011 spooky schedule:

1.  Thursday night - bonfire (really has nothing to do with Halloween) 

2.  Friday - two school parades

3.  Friday night - Trick-or-Treat in our neighborhood

What a lame schedule!  Would someone have a party and invite me!


P.S. I tried really hard to find an old photo of us from Halloween.  Do you remember in high school when a bunch of us dressed up like Wizard of Oz characters? Do you have the picture?

Jack and Matthew - 2003
Do we like cowboys in this household or what?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

On Your Mark

On your mark, get set, BOO! Halloween has officially begun in my house. This is how it breaks down..

5. Thursday ~ mystery reader in Emma's class - a Halloween story of course. {Piggie Pie}

4. Friday ~ William's preschool parade and sing-a-long..super cute costumes on adorable kids.

3. Saturday ~ Halloween vs. Navy vs. Notre Dame combo complete with chili -- go Navy!

2. Sunday ~ children's Halloween party, paint pumpkins, spook-tacular decorations & a DJ too.

1. Monday ~ "big school" costume parade & trick-or-treat as soon as the school bell rings ;)

And, a list, of course --> check flashlights, dig out bags to hold treats, charge battery for camera, and carve pumpkins.

What is happening in Pennsylvania this Halloween??

Look closely for a hint of a costume ...

Monday, October 24, 2011


Yesterday morning while I was straightening up the house, I tuned in to the CBS Morning Show.  I love that show!  Because it is on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am I don’t typically plop down and watch it like I would a typical evening show.  But I usually have an ear to it because week after week they offer such interesting stories.  If you've never watched, check it out.

One of the stories yesterday was about a woman who in the course of a regular day stumbled upon something and it literally changed her life --- and many more.  She took a wrong turn and drove past a group of kids playing soccer.  What stood out was that they wore no shoes and had no true soccer ball.  The next day she bought a ball and delivered it to them.  She found out that they were refugee children from war torn counrtries from different parts of  the world.  They were relocated and now live in a town near Atlanta.

After meeting these kids, she took it a step further and started playing soccer with them.  Organized a team, bought them shirts.  Found out they had deeper needs.  School was difficult because of the language barrier --- they were falling behind and thru the cracks.  She started tutoring them.  She started a school for them.  A lot of the kids ride 10 miles to school by bike each day.  With a police escort.  The town has totally embraced her, the kids and the program.

She recently purchased many acres of land to develop a full blown school which would include soccer fields.  Amazing how one wrong turn on one normal day has affected so many and in so many ways.  To achieve their goals, they are funded thru private donations --- check them out here:  Fugees Family


Sunday, October 23, 2011

Lotions & Potions

Don't you always remember your firsts? I do. I clearly remember my first cosmetic purchase. My grandmother marched me into the cosmetic department of Bamberger's, now Macy's. We went straight to the Clinique counter and I got my first mascara. Same one I use today in the same signature green box.

Fast forward and I am still a Clinique "girl" -- I appreciate their hypoallergenic, simple line of cosmetics. Maybe it's because the art of make-up is not my thing, so to speak. (I truly skip these sections in my fashion magazines :) What I do love is a big pot of face cream and I love Clinique's the most. As I inch past forty, I have added dark spot corrector, laser (wrinkle) cream, and night cream to my routine. I adore my lotions & potions and I think my face is thankful for them.


Saturday, October 22, 2011

This & That {weekend edition}

Surprise! Here is a little something to read while your having a giant cup of coffee or cheering at soccer, football and cross country this weekend:

1. Skulls are in the air..I loved your "photo Friday"! A collection of glittery skulls. I noticed skulls and skeletons are popular this Halloween. I bought a couple myself. Should I get more? There is still time. I find that I keep decorating as the month goes on. Just yesterday, I added some twinkly, orange lights on a tree.

2. I asked William how his play date went with the little girl-friend in his class. "Not good mommy, she just wanted to play married. I wanted to play skeleton." {see, skeletons are in the air!}

3. Dilemma: my hair is long enough - finally - to put in a stubby ponytail (which you know I adore) I am tempted to chop it short again, but, alas, so long ponytail. And, you know, once I go ponytail or bun (!) I never go back. What should this t do?

4. Classic: brought home a small, ironstone dish from an antique shop. Love it. Has a little blue stamp on the edge, perfect size for multiple purpose. Sigh. Dropped the bag as I was juggling my handbag, keys, a backpack, and two coats on the way in the door. Luckily, I just bought superglue.

5. A big quote ~ "I looked on child rearing not only as a work of love and duty but as a profession that was fully as challenging as any honorable profession in the world and one that demands the best I could bring to it." By Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy

6. To Ed - Happy 25 Years to The United States Naval Academy Class of 1986. Enjoy the memories, old and new. Go Navy!


Friday, October 21, 2011

Photo Friday No. 37

A Room with a View in
New Jersey

Sparkly Skulls in

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


 From all of us ... we love you!

"We never know the love of our parents for us till we have become parents."
Henry Ward Beecher, Proverbs from Plymouth Pulpit

Nantucket ~ a younger Buddy and a younger Jack

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Save Second Base

In case you didn't notice PINK, PINK everywhere, October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month! {btw: I especially like the streaks of pink on the NFL players every Sunday} Do you know about Henda's Law? It is legislation requiring doctors to inform women about their breast density and the possible need for further imaging by MRI or ultrasound. {btw: it is hard to see cancer on the mammograms of dense breast tissue}

Now, here is something YOU can do to make a difference in the fight against breast cancer --> grab your smartphone and use the app "Lobby Me Pink" to plug in your zip code and get contact information for elected officials in your state. Encourage them to pass Henda's Law. Easy!!

In fact, my own breast surgeon told me about Henda's Law during my mammogram. The great state of New Jersey is in the process of passing Henda's Law. {New Jeraey readers take action to make a difference} As soon as I'm done with this post, I am taking action.

How about you?

Remember these???

Monday, October 17, 2011


Sister, thank you for the BBQ chicken recipe.  I made it this weekend and served it sandwich style.  It was a hit.  The next time I will serve it as tacos.  Can't wait.

Here is one last recipe I wanted to share with you.   This was inspired by a recipe on Gwyneth's GOOP.  But I modified it to make it work without a fancy wood burning oven (which she has and I don't).  Grilled pizza!  Yum!  I tried this on my own without a true recipe in hand.  It took some trial and error but for the most part it has been spot on.  And, the kids love it!

Grilled Pizza

Fresh pizza dough (I buy this at the grocery store)
pizza sauce
fresh mozzarella

I split the pizza dough into 2 halves.  I make a traditional pizza for the kids.  I make a separate pizza for the adults with more interesting toppings. 

Heat the grill to medium/medium-high heat.  Brush the onion and tomato with olive oil and place on the grill.  Roll out the pizza dough (I like it thin).  Brush one side with olive oil and put that side down on the grill (you may need an extra hand for this step).  Once the dough starts to puff up, brush olive oil on the top of the dough and flip the dough.  For the kid pizza, add a thin layer of pizza sauce and mozzarella cheese.  Heat until the cheese starts to melt.  Remove from grill, cut and serve.

For the adult pizza, repeat steps above with the 2nd piece of dough.  This time add the onion, tomato, garlic and any other toppings you can think of.  We recently added some grilled shrimp.  Heat until the cheese starts to melt.  Remove from grill, cut and serve.




Sunday, October 16, 2011

Something Old, Something New

I have always been intrigued by vintage clothing, but after visiting the Brooklyn Flea, I was inspired! Rack after rack of one-of-a-kind clothing and tables brimming with unique accessories. {Not to mention, the super cool folks wandering around who, obviously, shop at the Flea.} Remember the black Christian Dior dress? I still think about it. If only I was a size 2. Sigh. This is what I love about vintage ~ it pretty much guarantees that no one will have the same dress, necklace, blouse at any event.

How to find vintage clothing and accessories..

* The Brooklyn Flea {I'll meet you there ;)
* etsy: search under vintage and enjoy hours of browsing
* Rice and Beans Vintage - online source for designer vintage
* most flea/antique markets have great picks

Now that it feels like fall, I have a vintage wool skirt just waiting to be worn.


Friday, October 14, 2011

Photo Friday No. 36

Brussel Sprouts in
New Jersey

New favorite iPad app in

Thursday, October 13, 2011

This T's Vote

Dear Kate,

My vote is for the crayon. This is why: you can be a cowgirl at any age and look super cute -- even at one of those adult costume parties. {FYI as an adult, I am not big on dressing up} What is better than a crayon in kindergarten? Pretty much nothing. And, whatever you choose, you will look adorable and get piles of candy.


Aunt Tricia

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Family, friends and fans --- please vote!  Kate cannot decide which Halloween costume to choose.   

Option 1 = CRAYOLA CRAYON (Red)

Option 2 = COWGIRL

Stay tuned for the results and decision.


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What's Cookin Good Lookin? Part II

A week of meals for my family of six requires a plan of attack..this is how it goes -->

* an outline of the week can be helpful in planning. For example, Monday is a pasta dish, Tuesday is a chicken dish, Wednesday is a Mexican dish and so on. It makes it easier to fill in the blanks with a fresh, inspiring recipe. Keep in mind, Friday usually is an order out dish. ;)

* THE list & shopping: (see my list below) I live by my list. I write it all down from beginning to end. It is a project, but by doing this I make just ONE trip to the grocery store all week. {Not even a quick stop for milk.} Hopefully, it frees up my time to do other things, like wash (!)

* finding inspiration..I love the little magazine Everyday Food by Martha Stewart. It is published monthly. Online, I also search the archives of Everyday Food and Martha Stewart herself. The recipes are easy, interesting, and family friendly. A new blog I adore is Dinner, A Love Story. It is filled with food and recipes, but most importantly, with a sweet family.


Monday, October 10, 2011



When singing songs of scariness,
Of bloodiness and hairyness,
I feel obligated at this moment to remind you
Of the most ferocious beast of all:
Three thousand pounds and nine feet tall -
The Glurpy Slurpy Skakagrall -
Who's standing right behind you.

-- Shel Silverstein

Annual pumpkin carving in Pennsylvania

Sunday, October 9, 2011

What's Cookin' Good Lookin'?

A post about food. You started it. Funny, this very topic has been on my brain lately too. I must begin by saying that cooking is not a passion of mine. It is a means to an end. Basically, I cook so that I can eat. Simple. Many moons ago, I had aspirations of becoming a real cook. I subscribed to Food and Wine - kept a black binder to organize the recipes I clipped. No joke. Fast forward to a family of six with homework and swim practice all before five o'clock and a chorus of "What's for dinner?"

One of my new-school-resolutions is to be a better cook, in spite of our busy schedule. I have come to believe a thoughtfully prepared meal is a gift to my family. It will never become my passion, but it can be something I am proud of. Additionally, gathering together as a family to enjoy a meal while sharing our bits and pieces about the day can create memories. Food is truly powerful stuff.

Up next will be my plan of action..where I scope out inspiring recipes and how I organize the week. In between, I will share a favorite recipe or two.

This is my easiest, most delicious recipe -->


Place about six boneless chicken breast cutlets in a crockpot. Dump an entire bottle of BBQ sauce on top and cook for four hours on high or six hours on low. As it cooks, break apart chicken with a spoon - it will become shredded when done. That's all!

Serve sandwich style on a roll or, my fav, use as a base for tacos and heap cheese, guacamole, and sour cream on top. Ole!


{HAPPY BIRTHDAY ED! Hope you enjoyed your surprise. :)


P.S.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ED INDEED!  From this t and everyone else here in Pennsylvania.  Hope you had a great day.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Photo Friday No. 35

Costume Expedition in
New Jersey

Middle School Open House in

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I have a goal to focus more on cooking.  So many people say that cooking “relaxes” them.  I honestly don’t get that at all.  It does the complete opposite for me.  But nonetheless, it is something I am determined to embrace.  Even if it is one recipe at a time.  Baking is a completely different subject -- think hockey puck cookies -- right sister? 

So I tried a new receipe over the weekend.  I was seeking out a recipe for a soup that I used to get at the local café that closed up shop about a year ago.  I have been yearning for it.  

I found this recipe in the Williams-Sonoma catalogue but had it tucked away for quite some time.  I decided to give it a try.  Happy to report it turned out pretty darn good.  Great soup for a nice, crisp and maybe rainy fall day.  Enjoy. 

Williams-Sonoma Kitchen

4 thick-cut bacon slices, cut into 3" strips
2 Tbs. unsalted butter
1 large yellow onion, diced
2 each carrots and celery, diced
3 garlic cloves, minced
1/3 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup pale ale
1 Tbs. Worcestershire sauce
2 cups each milk and chicken broth
1-1/4 lb. sharp cheddar cheese, shredded
Kosher salt and ground pepper, to taste
Toasted croutons for garnish

In 4-1/2 qt. Dutch oven over medium-high heat, cook bacon 8 minutes; drain on paper towels.  Discard all but 2 Tbs. fat in pot.  Reduce heat to medium; melt butter.  Add onion, carrots and celery; cook, covered 20 minutes.  Add garlic; cook 1 minute.  Add flour; cook, stirring occasionally, 3-4 minutes.  Add ale; cook, stirring constantly, 2-3 minutes.  Add Worcestershire, milk and broth; bring to simmer over medium-high.  Reduce heat to medium-low; simmer 10-12 minutes.  Puree with immersion blender.

Set pot over medium-low heat; add cheese by handfuls, stirring constantly; do not boil.  Season with salt and pepper.  Ladle soup into bowls.  Garnish wtih croutons and bacon.


P.S.  The immersion blender is key for a good smooth soup ~ received one as a Christmas gift and love it!!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


It is time. For years, I have been saying when the littlest guy is in preschool for a significant amount of time, I will become more diligent about my fitness routine. Keeping my word, I trudged into the gym last week. In spite of being an avid runner, I was, quite frankly, scared. I know my arms and core are tragically weak. {ask Ed, who will confirm I am not the best helper when it comes to moving furniture}

The setting is a small studio with one instructor and a handful of eager students, like myself. Funny how strangers band together when they are in the same boat of misery and pain, so to speak. To be honest, after the first class, I truly had difficulty moving for four days and I wanted to resign, even though I signed on for a month. Fortunately, the little voice in my head reminded me that being strong requires work and dedication. Ugh.

As I set out for a run this morning, it began to rain. :( No more excuses, I headed to the gym. And, I am proud to report, I have gone three times so far. Four weeks to go..I'll keep you posted.


Monday, October 3, 2011


I love photography but the planning involved with having pictures taken is another story.  And it is that time of the year folks ... school photos. 

With so much going on in the daily schedule, I totally forgot that Jack's 7th grade picture day was right around the corner.  It was the night before and I had no outfit planned.  What was this kid to wear?  I dug thru the closet thinking there has got to be a new button down shirt somewhere.  Score!  I pull it out and get ready to iron.  Then I take a minute to look at last year's photo and the year before.  *@!? (expletive) - he wore that shirt last year.  Now what? 

Jack was sent to school with a crisp, new navy blue Hollister t-shirt.  Not what I had in mind but it speaks to this stage of his life more than an old man button down shirt.  Right?

Kate has her kindergarten picture tomorrow.  The above story was not going to happen again.  Or was it?  Went to the mall and picked out a lovely pink blouse/top at the Gap.  Super cute.  Brought it home and I have to admit the neckline wasn't quite right.  Dug thru everything else in the closet.  Color wasn't right, too casual, too dressy, etc.  I think we settled on a hand-me-down top from Grace/Emma.  Navy blue tunic with some white stitching at the top.  She likes it, I like it. 

I looked at her daycare pictures from the last couple of years and I remember picking out her tops last minute.  And I have to admit I love every single picture.  I remember one year I had Jack and Matthew photographed professionally.  I think Matty was a baby.  We were pretty much done, Jack was back in sweats.  The photographer had a couple of shots left so she snapped some pictures of Jack.  Clearly one of my favorite pictures to date.  Go figure.


Sunday, October 2, 2011

Eat My Bubbles

Somehow, I have kids who swim. Not just the doggie paddle like me, but competetively. Must have gotten it from their dad. This year, I have two on the swim team and one on the pre-team. And, the little guy just drives around with me in our "swim taxi"..yes, we have someone with a practice at the pool EVERY day of the week. No joke.

This past week, I have been getting us prepared for swim season, which lasts from September until March. (!) Car pool - check. Extra googles - check. Adidas pool slides - check. Swim backpack in pink for you-know-who - check. Vacation for me in April - maybe.

Why do I, like so many other parents, do this? This is what I believe --> Swimming will teach my kids more than just breast, free, back and fly. It will teach them about life. Following directions, working with a team, showing up on time, trying your best, failing one day, and winning on another day. It will provide them with a community of coaches, mentors, teammates and friends who will help shape them as people. It will give them the roots and wings they need in life.
