There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Surprise, Surprise

Everyone loves a surprise..well, almost everyone. Imagine my surprise when I discovered me&t up and running again! Yippee! I missed me&t, but most of all, I missed the back and forth banter between two sisters, not to mention the writing and photos. And, as a double surprise, I saw me&t received a "facelift" over the summer. Honestly, I can't stop smiling. :)))

Now that we're back ~ let's get down to business. I have a summer FULL of adventures, photos, quotes, books, projects, fashion, and fun to share. Better yet, I can hardly wait to hear what the summer held for my sister. Where to begin? I will part with a photo of Block Island. It is the photo I will keep in my mind when things start to get a little busy/crazy/dicey around here as school starts.

Welcome back!!!!


PS good luck to Kate, Matthew, and Jack as they start school today. I hope kindergarten is ready for Miss Kate & her new, puffy backpack. Go Zephyrs!

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