There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Happy New Year!

Do you find yourself making "back-to-school resolutions"? I do. Much like New Year's resolutions in January, a new school year provides a clean slate, so to speak, each September.There are plenty of resolutions to go around ~ for myself, my children, and my family. Here is a list of my resolutions..check back in June to see how I did.

1. make a "real" breakfast, of the bacon, egg, toast variety, at least once during the week

2. organize healthier, interesting lunches for the kiddies each day..even for Henry who pretty much eats only "white" food

3. create a positive, encouraging atmosphere for yelling or threatening

4. encourage the kids (even the sleepy ones) to help out with the morning duties -- making beds, getting dressed, etc.

Do you have any new-school-year resolutions sister?


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