There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Get Inspired!

I came across "How Many People Does it Take to Make a Difference" during our me&t NYC weekend. As an avid collector of quotes, I loved the format. As a person in constant search of inspiration, I loved the content. To be honest, I keep paging through this motivational book. Check this out from the inside jacket--->

"Throughout your life there's a voice that only you can hear. It's a call to the true value of your life - a call to make a difference that only you can make. If you never hear it, something magical will be lost. But if you hear it and heed it, then your life will become a wonderful romance and adventure."


"This is not a book about success; it's a book about significance. It's not a book about making a living; it's a book about making a life. It's not a book about fame or acclaim; it's about contribution and service."

Get inspired - get motivated - get reading sister! You'll be glad you did.


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