There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The End

It seems the world was scheduled to end yesterday. At 6 PM to be precise. I guess that means I am blogging from heaven? I guess you are reading from heaven too.

On a serious note, as the end of the school year approaches, I have been thinking about endings and beginnings. I lament the close of a chapter in the lives of my children..growing up just another inch. The ritual of the kindergarten graduations, end-of-year celebrations, and teacher gifts. While there is comfort in the routine, there is also sadness with the marching of the clock. On the flip side, there is joyful anticipation of a memory-filled summer on the horizon. The lazy pool days and sunny beach days.

Life is filled with endings and beginnings. Big ones and little ones. I read somewhere that the little ones are practice for the bigger ones. Makes sense, but I don't think my practice is going well. Endings always tug at my heart. Remember when mom and dad sold the house we grew up in? Even though I was married with my own house, I blubbered like a baby as I walked out of that house for the last time. I left my key on the counter with a note that read, "Good-bye house. Thanks for the memories."

As a lover of quotes, this comes to mind: "When a door closes, a window opens. However, we are so busy looking at the closed door, we never bother to look out the open window." I think I should add this to my practice notes and keep practicing.


PS my photo is from three years ago & it tugs at my heart

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