There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


In case you didn't hear, our local family owned sporting goods store is closing.  The store was founded in 1946 and the owners have decided to retire.  They wrote a very gracious letter on their website and announced a liquidation sale.

I have to admit that over the years I didn't buy too much ski gear there.  The carefully selected items and brand names were on the high end and a bit too expensive for me.  But I did like to browse and I bought my goggles, Kate's ski coat and Jack's ski helmet there.

Mike is not a shopper at all.  He buys only if he truly needs something.  Quite different from me and I'll say you as well sister.  A couple of weekends ago we were heading out to dinner with the kids.  Mike had the great idea of stopping by this store to see if there were any good bargains.  I of course was totally on board.

So we get to the store and Mike heads to the ski gear.  And me ... my eyes lit up when I saw they were selling their fixtures ... score!  I was like a kid in a candy store.  I walk over to Mike with a pile of fixture type stuff in my hands and he just looked at me.

  • two very large Voncom advertisement posters (snowboarder brand) they are so cool ... heavy vinyl with wood dowels on the top and the bottom
  • a couple of wire "in" baskets 
  • a very cool lucite sign to be used as a very large paperweight
  • I wanted to buy a filing cabinet because it was super cheap but was too lazy to shove it in the mini van

They had an awesome industrial cabinet with drawers filled with maps.  It had a big SOLD sign on it.  Dang, someone beat me to it. 


Monday, May 30, 2011

The Home of the Brave

"Freedom is not free." ~ Korean War Memorial, Washington D.C.

One of my family's favorite quotes..not only on Memorial Day, but each and every day. Coming from a family of Navy and Army veterans, we are of the patriotic, flag-a-flying, knows all of the words to the national anthem type. In addition, we have kids with birthdays on July 4th and July 5th. Enough said.

Happy Memorial Day.


Friday, May 27, 2011

Photo Friday No. 26

Kate's Birthday Card (waiting to be mailed) in
New Jersey

Industrial history in

Wednesday, May 25, 2011



Cousin Emma's sentiments were along the lines of ... they are both the same age now but she is still older (did she stick her tongue out after saying that?).  Too cute.  And as Kate would say, cousin Emma has a birthday getting ready.

We are outside enjoying a beautiful, warm spring night.  Gifts this year included soccer stuff,  barbie goods and bathing suits.  She is running around in her new bathing suit with socks and soccer sneakers kicking new soccer ball into new soccer net.  What a site.  Celebrate my dear Kate and enjoy your special day.  

In the words of Buddy, "Five years old now, your're big stuff."  Well said! 


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It's Good to be Green

"You are by accident of fate, alive at an absolutely critical moment in the history of our planet. Anything else you're interested in is not going to happen if you can't breathe the air and drink the water. Don't sit this one out. Do something." ~ Carl Sagan

These words ring in my ears as I watch the wild weather on the news - Alabama, Missouri, and even Pennsylvania (!) - it makes me wonder. I think about our beautiful, miraculous planet Earth. I think about us clogging her with our endless waste and pollution. How much more can she take?

Going back to that little blue book, "How many people does it take to make a difference?", it states:

"When you're confronted with a problem, don't get down - get excited, get involved. A problem is an opportunity to do something generous or positive for the world."

Here is my example --> I have made it my mission to use those reusable shopping bags each time I grocery shop. Simple. It took some time, I must admit, but it has finally become a habit. (cheer!) Each time I come home without a single plastic or paper bag, it feels good. My next goal, is to tuck one in my handbag (fancier one) and pull it out at the mall. I have way too many of those paper shopping bags from clothing stores. Another habit or two perhaps? ;)

"Green is not a thousand conscious choices every day. It's not just a philosophy, it's a commitment and a way of life. It is being part of the solution."


ps - again, thanks to the little blue book for the above quotes..check it out for yourself!

Monday, May 23, 2011


Did you see the news this morning?  The absolute terrible tornado that wiped out Joplin, Missouri.  The power of nature and the quickness with which it can strike.  I will admit that I have a fear of tornadoes.  Every so often I have the dreaded tornado dream.  Probably watched The Wizard of Oz way too much as a youth.

So Jack had a baseball game tonight in a town about 10 minutes North of us.  The skies were grey all day but the rain let up late afternoon so game on.  About three innings in, Kate decides she has to go to the bathroom.  No modern facilities, only dreaded port-o-pots.  I have put my foot down and just won't do them.  So I put her in the minivan and we drove home. 

Just as we arrive home it starts raining but not terribly hard.  We were going to stay home but Kate insisted on going back to the game.  So we hop back in the minivan and drive.  The skies are now black and just as we pull into the parking lot there was a huge bolt of lightning.  All at once, the kids clear the field.  Everyone piles in the minivan and we head home.  We were chatting about the tornado in Missouri and named every single state not to live in if you dislike tornadoes.  Such as Oklahoma, Texas, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, etc.

We get home and grandma calls!  "Did you hear there are tornado warnings?"  That means a tornado has been spotted.  Yikes!  We turn on the TV and they announce all the cities and times that the weather is expected in that area.  Turns out at the exact same time I drove back to the ball game is when the tornado was expected in that town.  OMG.  Note: Pennsylvania was not on our list!

I had two hysterical kids (one calm kid) and we grabbed our old cats and went in the basement.  Mike was in the garage with a neighbor keeping an eye on the sky!


"Toto, I have a feeling we're
not in Kansas anymore."
- Dorothy

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The End

It seems the world was scheduled to end yesterday. At 6 PM to be precise. I guess that means I am blogging from heaven? I guess you are reading from heaven too.

On a serious note, as the end of the school year approaches, I have been thinking about endings and beginnings. I lament the close of a chapter in the lives of my children..growing up just another inch. The ritual of the kindergarten graduations, end-of-year celebrations, and teacher gifts. While there is comfort in the routine, there is also sadness with the marching of the clock. On the flip side, there is joyful anticipation of a memory-filled summer on the horizon. The lazy pool days and sunny beach days.

Life is filled with endings and beginnings. Big ones and little ones. I read somewhere that the little ones are practice for the bigger ones. Makes sense, but I don't think my practice is going well. Endings always tug at my heart. Remember when mom and dad sold the house we grew up in? Even though I was married with my own house, I blubbered like a baby as I walked out of that house for the last time. I left my key on the counter with a note that read, "Good-bye house. Thanks for the memories."

As a lover of quotes, this comes to mind: "When a door closes, a window opens. However, we are so busy looking at the closed door, we never bother to look out the open window." I think I should add this to my practice notes and keep practicing.


PS my photo is from three years ago & it tugs at my heart

Friday, May 20, 2011

Photo Friday No. 25

The Statue of Liberty in
New Jersey

more spring pillows in

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


As previously confessed to and posted about, I am a Gwyneth junkie.  Did you see GOOP today sister?  It is about SPRING BASICS.  Clothing and accessories that is.  She is getting alot of slack about putting out such items because they come at quite a price.  Word on the street is the entire wardrobe including accessories comes in at a mere $18,000!  I read that someone commented on her new Facebook page "Love it, can't afford it".  Diddo!  Oh Gwynnie.

Next, did you see the new Elle Decor magazine.  Just got my copy in the mail today.  The cover immediately drew me in.  Sometimes the houses in this magazine can be a bit stuffy for me.  But this issue reads modern.  There is an article on actress Keri Russell's Brooklyn house.  Check it out and especially take note to her light fixtures.  Love it!


P.S. You mentioned some new flea markets in the city ... do tell.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Get Inspired!

I came across "How Many People Does it Take to Make a Difference" during our me&t NYC weekend. As an avid collector of quotes, I loved the format. As a person in constant search of inspiration, I loved the content. To be honest, I keep paging through this motivational book. Check this out from the inside jacket--->

"Throughout your life there's a voice that only you can hear. It's a call to the true value of your life - a call to make a difference that only you can make. If you never hear it, something magical will be lost. But if you hear it and heed it, then your life will become a wonderful romance and adventure."


"This is not a book about success; it's a book about significance. It's not a book about making a living; it's a book about making a life. It's not a book about fame or acclaim; it's about contribution and service."

Get inspired - get motivated - get reading sister! You'll be glad you did.


Monday, May 16, 2011


Spring is finally in the air and I can tell not by the barely nice weather but because my kids want to stay out late playing on a school night.  It is hard enough to get the homework done when we are all cozied in on a winter night.  But by this time of the year I have to admit I am kind of tired of homework too.  Although you would think by now we would have it down to a science.

Tonight ... reviewed all items in 6th grade agenda.  Changes needed on map homework.  Had to help come up with answers to "critical thinking" problem.  This meant I actually had to read the entire social studies chapter.  M helped study for English and thank goodness because I really don't know the rules for a colon or a semi-colon for that matter.  I think there was some help needed with math but we forgot to do that.

Then the first grader.  He actually did his homework sheet all by himself :)  We did not enter spelling words into the iPad as we faithfully do every week.  We will do that tomorrow but will already be one day behind schedule in order to learn the correct spelling for Friday's test.  I hope the words are easy.

I'm not sure who looks forward to summer break more, me or them.


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Savage Beauty

The current show at the Met's Costume Institute is "Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty", in case you haven't heard. The hoopla surrounding the show is everywhere. The opening night was packed with celebrities. Visitors seem to be dressing in McQueen as their personal tributes to him. I read that some who weren't fans of McQueen became admirers after visiting the show. There was even a rumor that Anna Wintour was attempting to borrow "the dress" (aka Kate's wedding gown) to add to the exhibit. Imagine.

Enough said. Savage Beauty is there for the taking until the end of July. Tick tock. I need to put a huge X on my calendar and make plans to visit before it disappears. {And being me, I prefer getting to places as they open.} The book from the exhibit is available on Amazon, just in case (for some horrible reason), you don't make it in person.


PS as I opened The New York Times today, Bill Cunningham's "McQueened" (below) reminded me to go visit the exhibit & write something about it.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Photo Friday No. 24

stuff to sell at a flea market ... NOT ... painting the house in
New Jersey

spring pillows in


Running seems to be a common thread between me&t and even our guest bloggers m&e.  I have always been an on again, off again exerciser.  And I've always dabbled in running ... well jogging actually.  I was stuck doing around two or three miles at a clip for a long time.  Then two summers ago something changed.  I started running with a friend.

I remember being so nervous the first time out together.  What would happen if I wasn't feeling it and needed to slow down or even stop.  The pressure, but I did it.  And we did it again and again and again for an entire year.  We had a standing date ... every Sunday morning at 8:00 am (give or take).

Here is what happened.  We got in shape.  We started increasing our distance.  Three miles became four and four miles became five.  We continued doing the five mile "Rails to Trails" loop for a long time.  We were able to talk and run.  Four miles felt like two miles.  Our runs went so fast and it was great!

Then last summer I fell off the wagon.  It got so hot so quickly I could barely run a mile. Humidity changes everything.  My friend and I had a hard time getting back in synch due to our crazy schedules.  But this spring I've made a really strong effort to start running again.  Another friend and I are meeting every Saturday morning before the girl's gymnatics class.  We started slow at a mile and a half and are now up to three miles.  

Here is why running with a friend works so well.  This past week we were around the two mile mark.  I was starting to feel blah.  I look out of the corner of my eye and think how strong my friend is running.  Shortly after I tell her this.  My friend looks at me and says oh my gosh, I was looking at you thinking the same thing.  You look so strong and I feel so blah.  Friends carry each other along. 

I had dinner with my old running pal the other night.  We made a date to start running together again ... I can't wait!


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The High Line

Who doesn't love an adventure? I know I do. On Sunday, we piled into the minivan on a bright spring morning and set off for New York City. Our destination? The High Line. Sometimes an adventure can be in your own backyard.

The High Line. This stretch of elevated tracks was built in the 1930's to remove dangerous freight trains from the westside streets of Manhattan. The last train ran in 1980 and the structure became slated for demolition. The Friends of the High Line was formed in 1999 as a community-based non-profit group to save the historic space. They partnered with the City of New York to create an elevated public park along the tracks.

The High Line. An open ideas competition, "Designing the High Line" received proposals from 720 teams representing 36 countries. The winning design combined historic tracks, landscape, concrete pathways, water, lighting and fixed and movable seating. Best, around every bend the park offers a view of the city like no other.

The High Line. Here is the skinny..
* open daily from 7:00 AM - 10:00 PM
* Gansevoort Street to West 20th Street
* 5 access points - all have stairs & 2 have elevators
* check out their website before visiting!


ps I knew our adventure was a success..after enjoying the High Line for a mere five minutes, Henry said, "This is way cooler than Central Park!" There you have it.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Happy Mother's Day to you my sister and to our mom (I know she's reading).  I indeed had a grand day.  Even though it was quite ordinary.  We did nothing special ... by design.

Everything ordinary was grand.

Kate greeted me in the morning with her homemade gift.  She gave me her ever famous "hairy eyeball" as I opened her card and gift and examined it.

Matthew accompanied me while I jogged 3 miles.  He biked alongside.  As I'm running he says "Mom, you are looking better already."  (meaning skinnier)  I say "Really?"  He says "No, but it's Mother's Day and I didn't want to upset you.  You still look chubby."

Jack, now a tween, went about his day.  He claims to have encouraged his 6th grade teacher to allow them to make gifts for the moms but it didn't fly.  It's the thought that counts of course.

Mike was turning in for the night around 10:30 and I was watching Brothers & Sisters.  He turns to me and says with a sleepy voice "You're a good mom."  I say "No I'm not."  He says "Yes you are.  You're a really good mom."


Monday, May 9, 2011

Let's Hear it for Moms

{being a mother of four children, this quote always makes me smile; especially on Mother's Day.}

"The way I see it, if you have four kids, you don't really have to do anything else, ever. Three kids is a handful, but one that many people manage to hold. If you're a mother of four, you definitely don't have to have a career or volunteer for the school fund-raiser or even bring an appetizer to the dinner party. In fact, people give you a lot of credit for wearing both earrings and knowing how to spell 'chaos' and 'antidepressant'. Four kids gives you a pass for every forgotten birthday, overlooked appointment, and missing form. Plus, you can be late for everything the rest of your life and never return phone calls. Who's gonna blame you?" by Kelly Corrigan in her book The Middle Place

Seriously..Happy Mother's Day to my sister (mother of three) and my mother (mother of two) and all of the mothers out there with any amount of children. Hope the day was grand. We enjoyed an adventure in New York City. My favorite part of the day remains the same ~ the many gifts "made with love" by my little ones.


PS if you haven't read The Middle Place by Kelly Corrigan ~ please do!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Photo Friday No. 23

A Mother's Day gift made with love in
New Jersey

eagerly awaiting this year's mother's day gift in

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Lately in life, I try to make a conscious effort to keep moving forward.  To improve myself.  This includes doing things outside of my comfort zone.  For some reason, at this age I have the notion that I can't get better at anything.  Can't become a better skiier, won't be able to run faster, etc.  But thru a professional organization I belong to, I've had the opportunity to step outside of my comfort zone.  And I might just be proving myself wrong.  

I've had the opportunity to travel to conferences attended by hundreds of women.  Rather than "work the crowd" I would prefer to crawl in a corner.  So getting to feel comfortable talking to people you don't know at all has taken some practice.  It just feels like sorority rush to me.  But I am getting better at it.

I also have to introduce our monthly events {I'm the president of our local chapter}.  Public speaking - yikes for sure.  At first this was so nerve racking.  Reading off the script but trying not to.  Trying to make eye contract, getting over hearing your own voice.  This definitely takes some getting used to and most certainly practice.  But I think I am getting better at this as well {and maybe even enjoying it}. 

I love the reality show The Amazing Race.  For me, this show is all about perserverance.  You just need to keep on trying.  Keep moving forward.  Hard work does pay off even if you don't necessarily win.     


"Character consists of what you do on
the third and fourth tries." 
James Michener

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Blessing of Wendy Mogul

I finally got to meet Wendy Mogul in person. A few weeks ago, she stopped by New Jersey while promoting her new book, The Blessing of a B Minus. I know a speaker is good if it seems like only fifteen minutes went by, but in reality it was more like ninety. (this happens with good movies too) Wendy Mogul delivered her message with the humor and timing of a stand-up comedian, but the content was perfectly clear. If you ever have the opportunity to listen to her speak, be sure to go. If not, be sure to read both The Blessing of a Skinned Knee and The Blessing of a B Minus. You'll be thankful you did.

In the meantime, I will leave you with a few words of wisdom from Wendy Mogul. Keep in mind..these are from my notes and not direct quotes from Wendy Mogul.

* We need to teach our kids how to "swim" in life, so to speak. Nowadays, kids arrive at college wearing a "floatie" on each arm.

* It is okay for your kid to have the dreaded mean, crabby teacher in fourth grade. One day your kid will have the dreaded mean, crabby boss or even husband. It is good to learn how to get along with everyone.

* A kid's emergency should never be a parent's crisis. Kids need to learn for themselves the consequences of late homework, projects, reports, etc.

* Camp, chores, paid jobs ~ all good for kids.

* Judge your kids not by how they behave around you, but around other folks like teachers, coaches, grandparents, and so on. Kids tend to save their worst behavior for parents.

* Back when we were kids, there were "late bloomers", "slow learners" and even "shy" children. What has happened? Today's kids, according their parents, are all gifted, talented, and exceptional. How did this happen?

I could go on and on, but I won't spoil her new book for you ~ I think you received a copy as a gift. ;) Happy reading! Happy parenting!


* Our kids' emergencies should never be our crisis.

Monday, May 2, 2011


There is so much going on in the news right now.  But to keep things light, I decided to report on a favorite antique/flea market that happens three times a year in none other than Kutztown, PA!  Renninger's Antiques Extravaganza.

Since you couldn't join me sister I took Kate.  I thought it would be a good mother daughter outing.  Hmm.  So I wasn't looking for anything in particular.  And I decided that unless I find something that will make things function better at home it probably isn't needed.  Less is more?

But I just love going ~ you never know what kind of bargain you're going to find.  I love that the venue is outdoors.  I am always ready for a hot dog at 10:00 am.  And I think it is cool that biplanes fly overhead {think country}.  Here are some of my picks:

Jewelry - $5.00 aqua beads and a $3.00 gold necklace with little diamond balls

Wallet - vintage {or fake} Louis Vuitton

Industrial Stool - metal base painted blue with a wood top - LOVE IT!

Display stand - "Tom's Potato Chips" - includes 4 shelves and I'm using it in my mudroom for miscellaneous catch-alls

Did you ever go fleaing, waffle on an item and leave it behind?  Then you can't stop thinking about it.  I've done it many times.  But I think something worse happened to me on this trip.  I was eyeballing a green industrial desk lamp.  Right up my alley.  But it wasn't necessarily needed {refer back to second paragraph} and it wasn't dirt cheap.  So I stepped away to think about it.  I walked the stool back to my car and as I was walking back past the vendor, two guys had every industrial lamp from this booth on a table ready to be purchased.  I was pissed!!!

Then, the display stand I bought did not fit in my trunk.  I did a pinky swear with myself that I would not shove crusty old antiques in the back seat of my new car.  Sure enough, it happened.  I carefully covered all leather seats with blankets and propped up the stand with yoga mats so it wouldn't wobble back and forth.  Yikes.

Wish you were there sister, you never know what those eyes of yours will spot.  Hope you can join me in June! 


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Think Pink

{Ed, you knew I would write about this}

Yesterday, I took three biggest kids to the shoe store in town for some new kicks. It is literally an assembly line ~ measure feet, make choices, try on, etc. The store is abuzz with other families doing the same. There are lots of smiles and each child has something "special" in mind..

Henry's turn. Running sneakers. Check. Some all purpose Sambas (my fav.) Check. "Mom, I need new cleats." Fine. Which ones? "Mom, I want the PINK ones." Really??!! Are you sure???? "Yep, that is what I want." Henry tries them on. A perfect fit. Big smiles. Add to our tower of sneakers.

Get home. All kids show off sneakers to Dad. Great. Awesome. Super cool. And, then, silence accompanied by "the look." You got him PINK cleats??!! C'mon. You're just inviting kids to tease him.

I don't want the opinions of other people, big or small, shaping the decisions my children make. {especially those near and dear to their hearts} And, by the way, Henry chose PINK, not me. I want my children to learn about standing up for themselves and what they believe in, even if it is only a pair of PINK cleats for starters. Baby steps. The bigger stuff is around the bend.

Saved receipt. Just in case. Box of PINK cleats loomed in the mudroom. {stay or go?} Later, I asked Henry why he truly wanted PINK cleats, especially knowing the kids would most likely tease him a lot. "Mom, I want PINK because it's for cancer." Threw away the receipt and placed the PINK cleats in his closet.


{I wonder if Henry remembered the NFL players wearing similar PINK gear for breast cancer awareness in the fall.. I doubt anyone tease Michael Ohrer about his choice of color.}