There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Piles of Projects

When my children were really little, each year of school would yield piles of project ~ one more beautiful than the last. A few "special" ones were framed and hung..but what to do with the rest? I couldn't bare to part with even a mere sketch. Somewhere, I read you should save just ONE important project every year - the rest goes in the trash. Horrifying. What was this sentimental-saver-of-all-things-wonderful to do?? Under the bed boxes were purchased for each child and the project problem was solved.

Fast forward to sixth grade. Listen up, because here is something no one ever told me ---> the "special" projects come to a complete stop in sixth grade. No need to rent a space at a storage facility after all. And, in the end, I am happy I saved every sketch, painting and collage after all.


this is what comes home in 4th grade

this is what comes home in 6th grade

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