There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Sunday, June 30, 2013



A great BIG Happy Birthday
to the one and only

You are a little less 
and a whole lot more

You truly are loved by all!!!!
Lucky man.

P.S. Birthday was yesterday ~ we were busy celebrating.

Here's looking at you and me kid!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

And we're off..

Monday morning and no children's first "official" day of summer vacation. Yippee!!!! I love summer, not only for the adventures, but also for the memories. Here are a few happenings as we dive into sum-sum-summertime.

1. I tackled the bags of "stuff" the kids brought home from school. Two keep and one pitch. Easy. As I found the bottom of Henry's bag and pulled out the last bit, I was his gift for his teacher. #@?&!  No joke. Luckily, as I jogged by his school the next morning, I noticed the teachers were around for inservice. Went home, rounded up Henry and marched him over to school with his gift.

2. The nineteen minute ride between our home and the pool is filled with constant bickering between my kids. Drives me crazy! (and it has only been a few days) Today, I decided to put NPR on the radio..perhaps during the 280 minutes spent driving to the pool each week, the kids can learn something, anything. Good idea right? Well, the car was dead quiet. Not a peep the entire ride. Not sure if they learned anything, but I loved the peace and quiet.

3. Here is my summer project - so easy you can do it too! Each day I am going to take one picture with my phone to document our summer. When summer is over, I will take the photos and create a book or collage. I told you it was easy! Summer always seems to fly by way too fast and I wonder what we I will know.


Monday, June 24, 2013


Happy Birthday
to my

You have no idea how much I wish I
could celebrate this special day with you.

A toast once heard: "To my big sister, who never found her second Easter egg until I'd found my first." 
~Robert Brault



Keep Smiling!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

here's a little story..

After my Emma returned home from a friend's birthday party, the friend's mother phoned me and this is what she said..

When her daughter's grandfather passed away a few years ago, they decided to keep his memory alive by thinking of him whenever they saw a butterfly. Isn't that a sweet idea? Well, every year on her daughter's birthday, they happen to see a butterfly during the course of the day. Just the grandfather flying by. This year, the birthday came and went and no butterfly. The family was disappointed to say the least. Later in the evening, after the guests had gone home, the daughter opened her presents. In one package from my Emma was a pair of flip flops..with butterflies on them! (do you have goosebumps? I did when the mother told me)


Thursday, June 13, 2013

Piles of Projects

When my children were really little, each year of school would yield piles of project ~ one more beautiful than the last. A few "special" ones were framed and hung..but what to do with the rest? I couldn't bare to part with even a mere sketch. Somewhere, I read you should save just ONE important project every year - the rest goes in the trash. Horrifying. What was this sentimental-saver-of-all-things-wonderful to do?? Under the bed boxes were purchased for each child and the project problem was solved.

Fast forward to sixth grade. Listen up, because here is something no one ever told me ---> the "special" projects come to a complete stop in sixth grade. No need to rent a space at a storage facility after all. And, in the end, I am happy I saved every sketch, painting and collage after all.


this is what comes home in 4th grade

this is what comes home in 6th grade

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


What a better way to kick off summer than with a concert.  We left the house at 8:00 AM on a bus full of people (56 to be exact) and got home at 3:15 AM (long story).  Headed to the City of Brotherly Love for the No Shoes Nation * Kenny Chesney Tour.  Long day, lots of fun and Eric Church ROCKED!!!


Monday, June 10, 2013

Happy Birthday Emma!



And this is Emma..

1. tough-as-nails (especially with me)
but shy and uncertain with everyone else
2. swims with her heart - go Emma go!
3. everything itches, scratches, feels too tight or too loose
4. loves animals..both real & stuffed
5. the names of both of her best friends start with E too!
6. still adores her Snoopy
7. loathes homework (I loathe it too ;)
8. loves with her whole heart <3

Friday, June 7, 2013

Photo Friday

Stella ~ an injured bird rescue in New Jersey

Beautiful day at a college campus in Pennsylvania

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Mike and I were just at a baseball game.  Contemplating youth sports --- just because you're not the best doesn't mean you shouldn't play sports just for fun, right?  Not everything we do turns into something great or extraordinary?  What is wrong with just fun?  

I left said game to get Kate at practice.  Got this text:

Got home and checked Facebook.  This popped up --- an actual sign posted on youth athletic fields (in Chicago, IL):

Way to go Matty!  Good to keep perspective and have fun.


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Great Gift - Part 2

On the topic of teacher gifts..let me put this out there. Anyone who takes care of your child for approximately 900 hours during the school year deserves a gesture of appreciation. It doesn't have to be expensive: a handmade card, a bunch of flowers, stationery, a book to read over the summer - you get the idea. An added bonus - allowing your children to have the opportunity to express thankfulness.

Great Gift

It's that time of the do you say "thank you" to teachers who have educated your children for the past ten months? With a thoughtful gift of course! In previous years, I have done monogrammed canvas tote bags, colorful beach towels, cosmetic bags filled with goodies and so on. To simplify things, I try to choose one gift and give it to all of my children's teachers.

This year, my go-to gift is a duo of sunscreen. I went to the Clinique counter and selected a body cream and a face cream with SPF 50, wrote a thoughtful note, wrapped it all in cellophane with ribbon and ta da ~ done! I received a similar gift (thanks mom!) and I love my Clinique sunscreen each time I use it..a bit of indulgence while staying safe in the summer sun. Truly a gift everyone could use.


Sunday, June 2, 2013