There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Monday, May 13, 2013

No Sleep 'til Brooklyn

Each spring, the t's descend on New York City for a weekend filled with shopping, sightseeing and exploring. As you may know, one of our favorite traditions is a visit to the Brooklyn Flea Market. Well..this year, we decided to stay in Brooklyn for a change. Williamsburg was our 'hood of choice with flea markets on Saturday and Sunday. Stay tuned with us all week..

heading over the Williamsburg Bridge
(one t had the Beastie Boys
blasting on her iPod)

nothing says the city
like a yellow taxi cab

the t's arrive after tons of traffic
and getting a tiny bit lost
(no swagger with all of that luggage ;)

our home for the weekend
the Wythe Hotel

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