There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Sunday, March 24, 2013

I Heart NYC

For Grace's spring break, she and I snuck into the city to enjoy all things New York.. I wanted her to experience the city like a local instead of a tourist. To (hopefully) achieve this, we stayed at The Mark on the Upper East Side and became part of this neighborhood for a few days ~ we explored the Guggenheim Museum, enjoyed the shops along Madison Avenue, walked through Central Park, hailed taxi cabs (Grace loved cab rides ;) and frequented nearby restaurants. All in all, I think we did feel like locals, even if just briefly.

{On any vacation, it is tempting to pack too much into one visit..this is what I learned on this trip --> often, less is more and experiencing a place in an 'authentic' way yields memorable memories. Think quality vs. quantity.}


view over Madison Avenue
from our room
at The Mark

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