There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Monday, February 11, 2013


1. For starters, Jenna did NOT send me a $25 coupon in the mail ~ not even a $5 coupon. (insert mad face here) Grrrrrrr.

2. Grace's three younger siblings visited her middle school the other day. One walked around wearing a  red, clown nose and the other wore bunny slippers with ears that stick up. No joke.

3. I have been in a few battles recently..someone at the barber shop accused me of jumping the line (I didn't) and someone threatened to kick me out of a swim meet because I complained of overcrowding (it was)

4. Every year, I have to wrap a shoebox in paper for a child to bring into school for a Valentine mailbox. Why is it that even though I have done this dozens of times, it still takes me a hour to complete a relatively simple task? Ugh.

5. LOVED every inch of snow we got over the weekend. Wish it was snowing today instead of raining. Our snowman is hanging in there..


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