There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Monday, October 8, 2012


Quite awhile back, I stumbled upon a blurb on the internet.  It was about a photographer documenting children and where they sleep.  What was obvious very quickly were the clear  differences between living situations of children around the world.  It piqued my interest.

While out and about this weekend (wink, wink), I stumbled upon the book!  So excited.  When checking out, the sales clerk was flipping through it pointing out so many of his favorites. I think he wanted to grab a cup of coffee with me and have a quick book club. 

The book is titled "Where Children Sleep" by James Mollison.  In his introduction, he says that this project became a vehicle to think about issues of poverty and wealth, about the relationship of children to personnel possessions, and the power of children (or lack of it) to make decisions about their lives.  

Very well done.  I can't put it down.


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