There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Wednesday, October 31, 2012



I feel like it is the forgotten Halloween.  Frankenstorm is stealing all the thunder.  I missed our Trick-or-Treat on Friday night (I was out of town ~ post on that tomorrow!).  But here is how Trick-or-Treat went down:

T&T took my peeps Trick-or-Treating in our neighborhood (I think)
(i.e. Mom & Dad / Grammy & Buddy) 

Tracy:  Mom, did you take pictures of the kids for me?
T: No, I forgot
Tracy: Oh

It really is the forgotten year for Halloween.  Here is a snapshot that was sent to me from the school parade (I missed that too).  No pictures of Jack, at all.


Monday, October 29, 2012


The winds are howling just in time for Halloween.  Frankenstorm is officially upon us.  The winds are whipping and the lights are flickering.  The house is making funny noises ~ spooky.  We cleaned up all outdoor decorations and patio furniture.  I noticed that nobody else was outside doing the same.  I swear I heard something fly into my house!  Hmm.  I'll get you my neighbors and your little dog too!


Hurricane Sandy 2012

Sunday, October 28, 2012

just treats ~ no tricks

As we brace for Hurricane Sandy to hit New Jersey tomorrow, I realize we could live on Halloween candy for the next week if we had to. No joke. Plenty of candy here. Seriously, for the past few days, we did everything possible to prepare for the hurricane. A generator, food supplies, batteries/flashlights/candles, secure outdoor items, and so on. Additionally, I washed every stitch of clothing, baked batches of goodies and ran the vacuum. I think we are ready. Now, all we have to do is wait.


Friday, October 26, 2012

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

It's That Time of the Year..

It is that time of the year cards are in the air. Some years, I use a photographer, other years, I happen upon a lucky snapshot I have taken. This year, I am scrambling. The odds of capturing four children looking decent in one photo aren't in my favor. Throw in a new puppy and the odds get even worse. Sigh. What is this t to do??

I always pondered the idea of doing separate photos of each child. Find one really great shot and use it. Ordering cards online using digital photos makes it easy breezy. (honestly, I do require help from Ed with this ;) Remember when we ordered the cards and photos individually and assembled them all together??!! This required many joyful miserable hours. 

What do you have up your sleeve sister? You always wait until the last minute and pull off something amazing. I love how your cards have a twist of creativity and fun. I don't think I can compete with that. Stay tuned though for the finished product. I remain waiting for inspiration or even a sign from above.


this would be a fun photo for my card..
too bad it only includes two of my kids.
would anyone notice if I signed it
"Kate, Emma & William"?

Monday, October 22, 2012


Things that go bump in the night ... or people bumping into each other in my kitchen!

That's right, Oktoberfest 2012 was held this past Saturday night.  What a fun night.  The weather was perfect, nice and crisp, with a large circle of people around the fire pit.  The kitchen was packed thanks to tons of great food and kids swirling around everywhere.  

A shout out to all my helpers who did the outside finishing touches (magical and perfectly spooky), inside decorating with a little hip-hop to get us going, the sunshine cleaning crew who cleaned up the next day (think garbage bags in the basement) and to my babysitters who helped to keep the kids busy and happy.

As always there were a few bloopers that will always make me smile.  One blooper of note: at one point I heard my iPhone spewing out Christmas tunes.  Yikes!  Who made that playlist?


Oktoberfest Sampling

Sunday, October 21, 2012

I Know This Much is True

By now, I know this much is true. And, most likely, you know it too. The fun, interesting, exciting events we plan for our, outing, day trips and the like..end up with tears, drama, yelling, and misery. Most of the time.

Classic example: fall trip to the farm. Honestly, I thought we missed the boat on this one. Pushing October 20th and not much time to spare for the farm. Feeling guilty as the five year old guy still appreciates/deserves/enjoys his fun on the farm. And so off we go..

Both t's, six of the seven kids, two grandparents and one farm in Pennsylvania.

We know we are in big trouble as we pull into the parking lot with thousands of other cars. No joke and too late to turn around. One t spies the tractor ride to the pumpkin patch and almost hops on it, bypassing the line of a thousand families by accident. No joke here either.

Next stop, the hay maze. Our anxious kids scramble through it until a man SCREAMS at a child for knocking over a hale bale. Everyone stops in their tracks -- my five year bursts into tears as the man was screaming at him.

Finally, after waiting online for the tractor ride, we arrive at the pumpkin patch only to find the pumpkins left are full of holes or smashed to smithereens. After much walking and searching, everyone finds something to take home. We wait in line again for the return tractor ride to the parking lot.

And in the end,  I also know this much is true --> our memories include the bloopers and tears and everything in between.


Friday, October 19, 2012

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Things That Go Bump in the Night

No treats here tonight  sister ~ just tricks. It is getting late and my fourth grader has a pile of homework, including a math test. (not my strong suit) A long night is ahead for this t. Groan. He just reminded me he has to practice cello too. While Henry is working on character traits, I will work on a few odds and ends for you.. (pause)

(ok - I'm back) Had to do battle with Emma. Lots of tears. She may have said I am the worst mother. Groan. Now, the middle school kid, Grace, needs help with her homework on India. Right about now, I wish I was on a plane to India. Some nights are like this.

how this t feels tonight


Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Like everyone these days, busy, busy busy.  Here is more on the party planning ...

Menu for Oktoberfest

Hot Dog Bar
with lots of toppings:
chili sauce
multiple mustards
cheese perhaps

Baked Beans
Soft Pretzel Tray
Buffalo Wing Dip (lots of it)
Ring Balogna and Cheese
Chips and Dip


Beer Fest ---
everyone is bringing a special 
brew to share

Punch ---
"with spirits"
"without spirits"

My party planners are tweaking the the list daily :)  RSVP's are rolling in.  Lots to do.


Coplay Halloween Parade

Monday, October 15, 2012

Keep Calm & Fly On

Have you decorated for Halloween?

To be honest, I enjoy decorating for Halloween more than I do for Christmas. I tend to use restraint and sprinkle a few spooky items here and there. Same idea with the outdoors. Of course..the kids grumble and groan that our house isn't "spooky" enough. Ugh. Drag out the bins of Halloween junk decorations and continue to sprinkle stuff everywhere.

I discovered a "trend" so to speak: less pumpkin and orange --> more black and white skulls, bats and ghosts. Seems to work. Outside of the trend, I always use the handmade art projects from the kids that I've saved over the years. This t isn't done quite yet though. Tomorrow, fingers crossed for good weather,  I have lights to string and cobwebs to stretch.

And for the other t's Octoberfest party..I have grand plans to spray a patch of pumpkins with glittery, gold paint. An instant decoration for a fun, fall evening. I spied this in a magazine while I was in a waiting room somewhere. Wish me luck! I'll let you know how it goes. ;)


Sunday, October 14, 2012


Oktoberfest v. Halloween.  We decided to combine the two and have a spooky Oktoberfest party.  We usually have an impromptu get together after trick-or-treating but this year we decided to do something a little more organized.  Let the planning and partying begin.


electronic invite from Cocodot

Friday, October 12, 2012

happy birthday ed

how old would you be
if you didn't know how
old you are?
~Satchel Paige

Happy 39th Birthday Ed!
to a wonderful husband and father
and master of the hound.

All of Us

Photo Friday 85

Balloon in the Powder Room in NJ
(Tripp barks at balloons so we hide our balloons here ;)
(just in case you stop by)

New Burton Store in King of Prussia Mall in PA

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


What a great afternoon in New Jersey --- we love Lambertville!  

It was a cool, rainy afternoon and yet most of the stores had their doors open. They were embracing fall as evidenced by their stock and decorations.  

The quaint candy store where every single confection was Halloween related.  I hope the Brown kids enjoyed their treats.  That one great storefront porch.  The vintage dressings were perfectly incorporated as fall decorations.  So well done.  It has become the inspiration for Halloween at my house.


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Field Trip: Lambertville

Lambertville, New Jersey was the perfect place for the t's to rendezvous on a rainy Sunday. Armed with umbrellas and wellies, the t's were prepared for some serious vintage shopping, a bite for lunch and a few laughs. This is how it went down -->

* we met at No. 63 - a favorite shop with the perfect mix of vintage handbags, home goods and furniture. It never disappoints. (a few years back, one t scored a set of gym lockers for her mudroom!)

* time for lunch. Hamilton Grille is tucked away in a magical courtyard. There is a maze of tiny dining rooms, each with a certain charm. Our spot had a giant mirror on the ceiling! Both t's may be copying this dramatic touch asap.

* Bucks County Dry Goods, Zinc and Peoples Antiques are always on the list of shops to visit. A bit of old, a bit of new..there are always hidden gems. The t's like to reminisce about past purchases as they wander around.

* last stop - Blue Raccoon - home furnishings store with great furniture, accessories and a bit of everything in between. A bright, happy vibe encouraged both t's to pick up a few goodies. Soap, candles, Halloween decorations and dish towels were in order.

All in all our field trip was a success. Where should we go next??

tricia & tracy

Monday, October 8, 2012


Quite awhile back, I stumbled upon a blurb on the internet.  It was about a photographer documenting children and where they sleep.  What was obvious very quickly were the clear  differences between living situations of children around the world.  It piqued my interest.

While out and about this weekend (wink, wink), I stumbled upon the book!  So excited.  When checking out, the sales clerk was flipping through it pointing out so many of his favorites. I think he wanted to grab a cup of coffee with me and have a quick book club. 

The book is titled "Where Children Sleep" by James Mollison.  In his introduction, he says that this project became a vehicle to think about issues of poverty and wealth, about the relationship of children to personnel possessions, and the power of children (or lack of it) to make decisions about their lives.  

Very well done.  I can't put it down.


Sunday, October 7, 2012

this & that

1. Cruising by the bike rack next to our elementary school, it's easy to notice which mom didn't see the weather forecast that morning. It is pouring cats and dogs and there is a lone bike chained to the rack. Guess which t grabbed the bike and threw it in the back of the van? (*bonus points though for remembering the lock combination)

2. There has been a little  lot of cursing in our home lately. Not by the adults - worse - by the kids. Yes, the littlest guy came out and said the worst curse word. (he announced it was the worst) There is a rumor that one t has a "can" in her car and must toss in a penalty coin whenever she curses. Maybe we need a can too.

3. A child in my home was upset with me because I posted her photo on me&t without her permission. If you guessed the complaining child is in middle school - ding, ding, ding - you are correct. Grrrr.

4. Ok - during our renovation, there was a makeshift deck built to access the back of the house. A bit of wood and a few steps. The other day, I looked outside and there was Tripp, stretched out in the sunshine on the makeshift deck. Not a care in the world. As happy as a clam. (note: the same dog chewed through his fourth leash yesterday) Marley? Maybe.


Friday, October 5, 2012

Photo Friday 84

Toes and Leaves in New Jersey

Enjoying Fall in Pennsylvania 

Thursday, October 4, 2012


I'm not exactly sure why but I told myself I wasn't going to watch the Presidential debate last night.  But somehow I started and I was utterly hooked. 

I tried to keep an open mind and not take sides.  I really wanted to listen to both candidates.   I think there is alot more listening and reading to do prior to the election.  Good stuff. 


"People are very open-minded about
new things - as long as they're
exactly like the old ones."
Charles Kettering


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

lost & found

On Sunday, Ed lost Henry. No joke. They got separated in the restroom at a Jets game. Luckily, Henry had the sense to go to the snack stand and ask for help. Ed went to guest services and did the same. Lots of tears, but disaster was averted thankfully.

Here is my point..going forward, I am following the lead from your Mikey Mike. Rumor has it that for big adventures (football games, skiing, amusement parks, etc.) he tucks a piece of paper in the pockets of the kids with emergency names and phone numbers. Easy breezy and brilliant! All you need is paper and a pencil. (three cheers for Mike!)

And in all fairness, I lost Grace recently too when we were jogging together. Thankfully the same ending..tears and disaster averted.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012


I have been trying like mad to get the house transitioned from summer to fall.  Finally got out this weekend and stopped by a nursery "outlet".  It was big and had some unusual things.  Then spent several hours outside cleaning off the patio, changing out flower pots, setting out hay, pumpkins and mums.  Even though it was cloudy and cool (perfect fall weather), I just didn't want to go inside.

I definitely like the less is more approach when decorating, especially for fall.  A single pumpkin sitting on porch goes a long way.  It catches my eye and is perfect.  Although I always seem to get carried away.  Hmm.


 Apple Ghourds

Pumpkins Galore

 Snake Ghourds

Monday, October 1, 2012

Oldies and Goodies

Lately, I noticed I have a few new items that were in my "arsenal" many moons ago. What was old, is new again it seems. Not sure why they left in the first place. Oh well - they are back.

Black Honey lip color by Clinique ~ this is the perfect sheer/glossy/color for each and every day. If you wear "lips" 24/7, this one is good for exercise too. ;) It has such a loyal following that it is often out-of-stock. I am in love all over again!

Biore strips..for some strange reason, I replaced this workhorse with a scrub that smelled like grapefruit. However, nothing attacks quite like the Biore strips do. They aren't pretty, but it's a tough job and someone's gotta do it.

Wicked nail color by Essie - when fall is in the air, like it is today, Wicked appears on my toes. It is the best combination of a darkish, redish, brownish. Sometimes, if I have a "big night out", Wicked on my short, neat fingernails is a winner too. I adore the color and the name.
