There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Sunday, August 5, 2012

This & That

Does your calendar say August too? Yikes ~ mine does. Where in the world did July go? With a finite number of days left in summer, it is crunch time for this t. Only a few precious weeks to squeeze in more summer memories. Plenty of time. No problem. In the meantime --> 

1. A big summer memory: the pirate cruise. On almost any given day, William is decked out in pirate gear. The hat, an eye patch, a few tats, you get the idea. Needless to say, he was "all in" when we went on a pirate adventure this past weekend.  (and, when the twenty "pirates" were  searching the ship for the treasure map, one of the dads  told his pirate daughter where the map was hidden. No joke.)

2. Grace is getting ready to head off for a week of sleep away camp. She is over-the-moon with anticipation and excitement. Open water swimming? Sailing? Archery? Freedom from three younger sibling and two old parents. (I suppose she will miss Tripp) I can't imagine not being in contact with her for almost seven days. Our family will feel off kilter without Grace being in our mix. Sigh. I know she will love it and, in my heart, I know I won't.

3. Tough time for the closet..the summer sales are tempting, but I am tired of summer fashion and fall (my favorite!) is on the horizon. On my radar are summer sale items that can be transitioned into fall. A cashmere sweater with short sleeves? I keep saying "no" because if it's cold enough for cashmere, I want long sleeves - but I may say "yes" this time. A little top to layer under a blazer and maybe a solid skirt. We'll see..


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