There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


The countdown to the big day is on.  So much to do.

Here are some of our traditions and things yet to squeeze in:

* cutting down christmas tree * music programs *
* shopping * shopping * shopping *
* German advent calendars filled with chocolate (a kid favorite!!!) *
* gathering with family and friends * Christmas cards *
* glance at Santa in the mall from afar (no lap) *
* watch favorite Christmas shows * 
* buy gifts for charitable groups * 
* cul-de-sac Christmas party * hosting on Christmas day * 

Our added tradition this year is the Elf on the Shelf.  Very popular.  Our elf arrived this past weekend.  A gift from Santa.  When the kids aren't looking or when they are in bed, the elf moves around the house.  We even found him in the Christmas tree the other day.  Funny guy.


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