There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart. ~ Wallace Stevens

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Bit & Pieces

You know what I love? Framing bits and pieces of sentimental things I have tucked around the house. When I met Ed, I actually saved the scrap of paper on which he scribbled his name and phone number. {he called me btw} I had it mounted and framed. It is hanging in our bedroom. Another example, I have my baby bracelet from when I was born. Back then, the hospital created a bracelet that spelled out my name in pink and white beads. This got framed too. You get the idea.

Fast forward to four kids with constant notes of sentiment cramming folders, boxes, and bulletin boards around my house. Recently, West Elm had a sale on frames and I ordered a few. Once they arrived, I dug through bits and pieces from my kids and framed them. Easy. I hung them together in a little arrangement. Easy too. I must admit, I love them. Until West Elm has another sale, I will continue collecting the bits and pieces of my life.


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