Memorial Day to the "Nautical Flea Market" in Annapolis. An adventure for sure. I have images of all things related to the sea ~ seashells, whales, boats, maps, lobsters, mermaids, and so on. A treasure trove of paintings, photographs, and objects for the taking. I could hardly wait.
Screeeeech! Back to reality. My reality. The entire family decides to venture on my adventure to the flea market. Sounds good on paper, but I know what is in store. As soon as we arrive, there are complaints about heat, thirst, and sunburn. My prince of a husband gathers the complainers and offers to take them home. Whew!
Grace and I make a loop and find ONE lone vendor with the aforementioned treasures for sale. Other shoppers are vieing for the same items. It is crowded and there are many inquiries about prices. We jump into the fray and make a few loops around the tables. Grace and I spy a selection of weathered wooden oars ~ we choose a grayish one with a tint of yellow. (Grace's favorite color) Next, we find a pair of framed boat sketches ~ the frames remind us of portholes and have rope trim. Last - a birdhouse. Not nautical, but Grace loves birds and our tidy courtyard could use one. Success!
Now for the funny part..with our pile of nautical treaures in hand, we realize the mile walk home will be challenging. Luckily, the city trolley makes a stop by the flea market, so we decide to hop a ride. My public transportation days being a little rusty, I ask the driver for change and immediately realize exact change is the only option. {keep in mind Grace & I are already on the trolley with our pile of stuff} The two other passengers don't have change either. Drat. Grab all of our stuff and haul it back off the trolley. Wait! One of the passengers finds a dollar in her pocket & the driver says it is enough for our fare. {love the kind deed of a stranger!} Load pile back on trolley and head home.
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